  • What Does Ad Relevance Mean?

    What Does Ad Relevance Mean?

    Ad relevance refers to how Google defines whether an ad campaign matches the user’s search intent. If a user searches for “climbing shoes” but your ad for mountain boots appears, that ad is not relevant to the user, and they probably won’t click on it. The reason the wrong ad might pop up mostly has to do with the keywords you use and your ad copy.

    If the search query is found directly in your ad’s headline and if the post-click landing page matches the ad, it is considered to be relevant. The clearer the connection between your keywords and ad copy, the higher your ad relevance will be.

    Ad relevance is directly influenced by the keywords you decide to target. This is important because Quality Score is partly measured by ad relevance. Working to boost your Quality Score actively helps you keep your cost per click low.

    Relevant Articles : Marketing, Paid Ad Campaigns

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