  • Difference between Brand & Trademark

    Difference between Brand & Trademark

    A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that identifies the source of goods or services. A trademark is a type of brand that is legally protected.

    Here are some of the key differences between a brand and a trademark:

    •A brand is a broader concept than a trademark.

    A brand encompasses all of the elements that make up a company’s identity, including its name, logo, slogan, colors, and overall image. A trademark is just one part of a brand, and it is specifically designed to protect the company’s intellectual property.

    •A trademark is legally protected, while a brand is not.

    When you register a trademark with the government, you are granted the exclusive right to use that mark in connection with certain goods or services. This means that no one else can use your trademark without your permission, and you can take legal action against anyone who does. A brand, on the other hand, is not legally protected. Anyone can use your brand name or logo, as long as they are not trying to pass off their products or services as yours.

    •A trademark can be registered in many countries, while a brand is not.

    You can register a trademark in any country where you do business. This means that your trademark will be protected in that country, even if you do not have a registered trademark in other countries. A brand, on the other hand, is not protected by law in any particular country.

    In short, a trademark is a type of brand that is legally protected. A brand is a broader concept that encompasses all of the elements that make up a company’s identity.

    Here are some examples of brands:

    •Apple is a brand that encompasses the company’s name, logo, products, and overall image.

    •Nike is another brand that is made up of the company’s name, logo, products, and overall image.

    •Coca-Cola is a brand that is protected by trademark law.

    •McDonald’s is another brand that is protected by trademark law.

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